The Bond We Share

My Years Begins and Ends In September
Light a Candle for All Angels and for Prayer Requests
October 1st - 7th Moms and Angels
October 8th - 15th Moms and Angels
October 16th -23rd Moms and Angels
October 24th -31st Moms and Angels
November 1st-8th Moms and Angels
November 9th-14th Moms and Angels
November 15th-22nd Moms and Angels
November 23rd-30th Moms and Angels
December Moms and Angels Dec 1st-17th
December Moms and Angels Dec 18th - 31st

Link to 2009 Bond of Moms Starts in March Due to my Health Issues


This Globe was Made for Dustin by Judie Smart

The actual time that a child spends with his mother varies, but the impressions last forever. No one ever forgets their mother. The closeness that was shared in the first few years when the child looks to his mother for every need, and for approval is never forgotten. The bond is deep and forever.


Kiss An Angel Good Morning


I'm the ray of light when the sun starts to shine

And you'll see that that face in the moon is mine.

When you start thinking there's no one to love you,

You can talk to me through the Lord above you.

I'll whisper my words through the leaves on the trees,

And you'll feel my presence in the soft summer breeze.


I'm the hot salty tears that flow when you weep

And the beautiful dreams that come when you sleep.

To all of you I hold so dear

Weep no more, I'll always be here.

For all the cherished memories we share

Just look for me, I'm everywhere



Your life has been a garden spot

Where all your friends may sow;

Where thorns and thistles flourish not,

And flowers alone can glow.

With smiles for sunshine, tears for showers,

Water, watch and guard these flowers.


cc By 2002


To light a candle for a previous months please click on the candle below


Always and Forever I Will See Your Smile September Letters from Mom and other pages

Strength To Go On Our Angel Childrens Story Please send email if I have the permission to share your angels story


I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.

Philippians 1:3



Love is patient,

Love is kind.

It bears all things,

Believes all things,

Hopes all things,

Endures all things.

Love never fails.

1 Corinthians 13:4,7,8
