The Bond We Share 2009

My Years Begins and Ends In September

My Years Begins and Ends In September
March 1st - 7th Moms and Angels
March 8th - 15th Moms and Angels
March 16th -23rd Moms and Angels
March 24th -31st Moms and Angels

Click on Picture to Enlarge

It all started morning of Sept.2nd, 1982 I was born and what a joy I was to my family and friends, for 25 years. Then on Sept.27th, 2007 every ones life changed. I arrived in Heaven surrounded by thousands of Angels. No more tears, no more pain. First thing I felt is pure Love and Joy & Peace.

I got the best gift of all this Year; Love from the Lord Above. Spending Eternaly here in my Heavenly home. Do not worry that I am not with you on earth for I am with you in Spirit now.

It is ok to cry, cause I know you miss me dearly. Just know I now sing the songs of Love and happiest I ever been in my life.

The children to the oldest, we asked Jesus to give you a special message that on that day Sept,27, 2007 it was my turn to leave earthly home and reside in our Eternal home here in Heaven.

So In turn Jesus said ask them to send me all the tears to Heaven and I will gather all the tears and comfort them. So send me your tears.

When you see the stars so bright at night, know no darkness lives here in Heaven. Think of me under the biggest star that will light up the sky.

When you are feeling lost and miss me so, remember me in your heart for I am always there. As a heart beats red, Jesus shed His Blood that we might spend Eternaly here in Heaven.

I am safe waiting till you get here. I know your soul and heart ache, it is ok to cry, send me your tears. I will send you comfort.

When you see a Star or feel the wind blowing just remember my Love will never fade, It is ok to Love again. In time you will see thru your tear soaked eyes that you can move forward.

When you see others smiling , know I got the best gift being here with Jesus. Let your heart remember the moments we shared while I was there. It will always be a delight seeing your face light up.

It is ok to cry, Send me your tears. May Jesus comfort and heal your pain. Live life to the fullest each day. Go out and share your memories. Just remember to send me your tears when you need to cry.



Last night while I was trying to sleep,
My son's voice I did hear,
I opened my eyes and looked around,
But he did not appear.

He said, "Mom, you've got to listen,
You've got to understand,
God didn't take me from you, mom,
He only took my hand.

When I called out in pain that day,
The moment that I died,
He reached down and took my hand,
And pulled me to His side.

He pulled me up and saved me
From the misery and pain.
My body was hurt so badly,
I could never be the same.

My search is really over now,
I've found happiness within,
All the answers to my empty dreams
And all that might have been.

I love you all and miss you so,
And I'll always be nearby.
My body's gone forever,
But my spirit will never die.

And so, you must all go on now,
And live, and understand...
God did not take me from you,
He only took my hand."

- Author Anonymous

Dustin's Birthday and Angelversary September Angels

Click on Picture to Enlarge

I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.

Philippians 1:3



I know the Lord is with me daily too.

Yes, He holds me when I pray.

And with Him I know that I shall be okay ...

If only I can make it through this day ...

Oh, He'll help me make it through today.

~Author~ Kaye Des'Ormeaux
