The Bond We Share 2009

My Years Begins and Ends In September
March 1st - 7th Moms and Angels
March 8th - 15th Moms and Angels
March 16th -23rd Moms and Angels
March 24th -31st Moms and Angels

October-December Moms and Angels

I will be continuing this Site in March as many of you know I had 2 open heart surgeries Dec 31,2008 and trying to get my strength back. I will do what I can each day and hope to be able to post all March angels.
I have missd you all and and my thoughts and prayers will always be with you. Love you all, Patti Rawls


No one need make this journey

undirected or alone,

For God promised us safe passage

to this vast and great unknown.


So let your grief be softened,

and yield no to despair,

You have only placed your loved one

in the loving Father's care.


Kiss An Angel Good Morning


I'm the ray of light when the sun starts to shine

And you'll see that that face in the moon is mine.

When you start thinking there's no one to love you,

You can talk to me through the Lord above you.

I'll whisper my words through the leaves on the trees,

And you'll feel my presence in the soft summer breeze.


I'm the hot salty tears that flow when you weep

And the beautiful dreams that come when you sleep.

To all of you I hold so dear

Weep no more, I'll always be here.

For all the cherished memories we share

Just look for me, I'm everywhere



Your life has been a garden spot

Where all your friends may sow;

Where thorns and thistles flourish not,

And flowers alone can glow.

With smiles for sunshine, tears for showers,

Water, watch and guard these flowers.


cc By 2002


To light a candle for a previous months please click on the candle below


Always and Forever I Will See Your Smile September Letters from Mom and other pages

Strength To Go On Our Angel Childrens Story Please send email if I have the permission to share your angels story

Click on Picture to Enlarge

I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.

Philippians 1:3



I know the Lord is with me daily too.

Yes, He holds me when I pray.

And with Him I know that I shall be okay ...

If only I can make it through this day ...

Oh, He'll help me make it through today.

~Author~ Kaye Des'Ormeaux
